Japanese Business Cultures and Manners You Should Know When Starting a Business in Japan

If you start a business in Japan, you will encounter many unique business cultures and manners. Knowing and understanding these is essential if you want your business to succeed. Of course, it is better to conduct them.
1. Politeness
Please be polite in Japan if you want your business to be successful. First impressions are crucial. Formal clothes are better. You should exchange business cards with both hands and place them top on your business card case for a while. Vigorous is good, but outspoken is to be avoided.2. Punctuality
If you are late for an appointment, you will lose your trust. If you are late for the first meeting, you will likely never get work from them. It would be better for you to tell them when you will be late for a meeting in advance via call or chat.3. Ambiguity
Most Japanese businesspeople refrain from expressing themselves directly. ” I will consider.” means to refuse in some cases. So you have to read between the lines.4. long-term Relationship
A long-term relationship is emphasized in Japan. Therefore, it is rare for a business to start soon after the first meeting. You are more likely to get a business after dealing with simple inquiries and conversations.5. Risk Avoiding Culture
Most Japanese Businesspeople try to avoid risks, even if it is more likely to get profit. It might be seen that they do not have the intention to deal with you, but in most cases, they do not. So, you should treat them patiently.6. Modesty
Most Japanese are very modest and do not insist on their demands. Therefore, if you do not understand the above cultures, you might lose your trust in them and see them leave you before you notice. Although all of the above may seem absurd, it is part of Japanese culture. I hope you understand and like it. As one of the membes of the group ‘ Business Support in Japan’, I have many experiences and deeply and wide knowlage as well as strong desire to support forign people and companies who starting businesses in Japan. Please feel free to contuct me if you have any questions and concerns.Author Profile

Accountant / Koshida Accouting and Tax Office
I started learning English when the Pandemic spread as a way to change my mood. It has been a few years, and I have been supporting foreign people and companies with pleasure. This is very rewarding because I can learn about different values, thoughts, and cultures. Then, I respect all people who come to Japan to try a new business.