Japagrit – Japan Market Entry Business Support Team


Professional team for Japanese coaching & Business Consulting

Japagrit – Japan Market Entry Business Support Team

Business Japanese Coaching & Business Strategy Consulting

Hello, thank you for your visiting our website.

We support expats and foreign business owners considering starting a business in Japan through a two-phase approach.

The first phase is our “Business Japanese Coaching Program,” which focuses on mastering the Business Japanese language — a crucial skill for expanding your business in Japan.

The second phase involves comprehensive support from hypothesis development to execution of business strategies, and fostering collaboration with B2B partners, particularly when business operations face challenges.

Our team consists of professionals who possess both specialized knowledge in Japanese language education and actual business experience. Our team members have accumulated rich experience across a wide range of fields, including finance, business strategy, venture investment, HR, and accounting etc.

Few companies have personnel who possess both Japanese language education skills and business acumen. This unique combination allows us to specialize in corporate and sales-related business Japanese, essential skills for entrepreneurs.

Moreover, our support extends beyond language acquisition, encompassing the business realm by analyzing your business from a multifaceted perspective. We assist in expanding your business through B2B collaborations and offer strategic advice and support.

Deciding to start a business in Japan can be daunting, but we are here to remove that uncertainty and guide you to success through our two-phase support.

Our vision is to “make your decision to take on business in Japan the right one.”

This is why our service brand, “Japagrit,” embodies the sentiment, “In Japan, we will Grit for your purpose.”

We, Japagrit, are fully committed to supporting your business success in Japan.




Our team focuses on 2 professional careers.
1st: Business professionals with Japanese language coaching skill
2nd: Tourism & Hospitality industry

Our members who are in Japanese coaching program have
– Japanese coaching career with qualification
– Human resources career
– Accounting career
– IT career
– Project management career etc

Our members who are in Business Strategic Support have
– Travel business career
– Project management career
– Financial Analysis career
– Accounting career
– Human Resources career
– Startup business career
– Corporate Strategy career etc


We have 2 main roles for you.
1st: Business Japanese Coaching Program especially for Foreign Expats & Foreign Entrepreneurs in Japan.
2nd: Advisory for Business strategy & Marketing support for Foreign Entrepreneurs who want to work in tourism industry in Japan

●Business Japanese coaching program●
– For who have learned basic Japanese before but need to improve it more
– 4 month program
– Completely customized program according to your purpose
– One to one online session for 60min each
– Not textbook study but Role playing training
– Review all of your sessions on video
– 24h chat consultation

●Advisory for Business strategy & Marketing support●
– For who need to expand your business in tourism industry
– 2 programs
(A)Monthly Strategic & Marketing Support Program
(B)Daily Spot Advisory Program
– Methodology
(1)Analyzing your business based on Marketing framework
(2)Clarifying your potential clients
(3)Proposing how to find and approach the potential clients
(4)Reviewing the result of action and considering next actions
(5)Repeating Plan-Do-Check-Action for your goal as your Right Hand

●Our teams are composed by these members●
– A director who has professional experiences in corporate & financial strategy in tourism industry
– A manager who has professional careers in Venture capital & Startup business
– A member who has language coaching skill & Accounting skill
– A member who has language coaching skill & HR career
– A member who has supported Business owners in a Chamber of Commerce
– A member who has hospitality business career like hotels, travel comapnies and so on.
– Others


We have 3 strengths compared with other general services.

(1)Language Programs especially focusing on foreign business owners in Japan

There are tons of Japanese lessons for foreign people, but almost all of them are more general programs without specific targets because their trainers can teach only basic Japanese. Some of them can teach Business Japanese, which means job interview, phone call and meeting, though.
The reason why we can give a coaching program including themes like Finance, PMP, IT and Negotiation which are complicated but essential for you is that all of us have professional careers. This is one of the biggest differences compared with other services.

(2)Business Strategic Advisory and Support especially in Tourism industry

The reason why we focus on tourism business is that more and more entrepreneurs who start up their tourism business in Japan. That is because they can use their network in their countries to start inbound or outbound tourism, don’t have to prepare large initial cost and can work in half English and half Japanese.
And then, our members have corporate careers in tourism business, networks with local tourism organizations and global B2B partners, which should be beneficial for those who start their tourism business.

(3)Flexible Work for you

We understand that you are busy person. So it might be difficult to have time to join in our programs. However our programs are very flexible according to your workschedule.
Our main timeschedule is 20:00pm~23:00pm on weekdays & 8:00am~23:00pm on holidays when you might not have regular works.
And we will accept your messages anytime, so that we can give you some solutions asap.
So don’t hesitate to join in our program even if you have busy days.



Weekdays 8:00am ~23:00pm / Holidays 8:00am ~23:00pm