The Legal Procedures When You Start a Business in Japan

When you imagine starting a business in Japan, you might not know where to start. In this blog, I will briefly explain a standard necessary at least procedure.
1. Get a Management Visa
First, you must get a management visa in many cases if you want to stay long in Japan for business.2. Establish a Company
Also, you have to establish a company in Japan. Starting a business as a sole proprietor is all right, but incorporation is better for getting a management visa. It is common to get a visa, and this procedure is done simultaneously.3. Rent an Office and a Residence
You need to rent an office and a residence in Japan to get a management visa, establish a company, and, of course, proceed with your business.4. Enroll in Social Insurance
The company must enroll in social insurance in Japan, even if the company only has a person, you, as the CEO. To some extent, paying yourself a salary is essential to getting and renewing a management visa.5. Submit a Notificate to The Tax Office
The company must submit a notification to the tax office after establishment. Some special treatments, which lead to advantages for taxpayers, can not be accepted if the due date is expired. Most of the above procedures are very complex, so most Japanese management leave them to specialists. Visas are to a visa specialist, incorporations are to a registration specialist, renting properties are to a real estate agent, social insurance is to a social insurance specialist, and taxes are to a tax accountant. Our team, Business Support in Japan, has all kinds of specialists. Feel free to ask me anything. As one of the membes of the group ‘ Business Support in Japan’, I have many experiences and deeply and wide knowlage as well as strong desire to support forign people and companies who starting businesses in Japan. Please feel free to contuct me if you have any questions and concerns.Author Profile

Accountant / Koshida Accouting and Tax Office
I started learning English when the Pandemic spread as a way to change my mood. It has been a few years, and I have been supporting foreign people and companies with pleasure. This is very rewarding because I can learn about different values, thoughts, and cultures. Then, I respect all people who come to Japan to try a new business.