The Uniqueness of Japanese Taxation

If you plan to start a business in Japan, you should be aware of the uniqueness of Japanese taxation.
1. The Year-End Tax Adjustment; Nnematsu Chousei
In Japan, all businesses must calculate employees’ income taxes, collect and pay them from the end of the year to January.2. Tolerant for Entertainment Expenses
A broad range of entertainment expenditures are considered expenses for tax purposes in Japan, such as golf play fees, as long as they are related to entertainment. However, the limit for small businesses is 8 million yen. On the other hand, for large companies, half of all expenditures are considered expenses.3. Exemption from VAT, Japanese Consumption Tax
Roughly saying, small Japanese businesses whose sales are under 10 million yen are exempted from consumption tax. However, even if they invest a lot of money, they can not get a refund without a particular application in advance.4. Fixed Director’s Fees
For tax purposes, a company can not pay bonuses to directors, even if the company’s profit grows unexpectedly in the middle of the fiscal year. Bonuses are considered non-expenses for tax purposes in Japan.5. Withholding Tax for Directors’ Fees
In Japan, even directors’ fees are the scope of withholding tax.Author Profile

Accountant / Koshida Accouting and Tax Office
I started learning English when the Pandemic spread as a way to change my mood. It has been a few years, and I have been supporting foreign people and companies with pleasure. This is very rewarding because I can learn about different values, thoughts, and cultures. Then, I respect all people who come to Japan to try a new business.