Difficulties When Foreign People Start a Business in Japan from a Tax Accountant’s Viewpoint

If you start a business in Japan, I guess you can easily imagine you will encounter many difficulties. In this blog, I will tell about especially some points you should pay attention to from the viewpoint of a tax accountant.
As one of the membes of the group ‘ Business Support in Japan’, I have many experiences and deeply and wide knowlage as well as strong desire to support forign people and companies who starting businesses in Japan. Please feel free to contuct me if you have any questions and concerns.
1. Opening A Bank Account
Opening a bank account in Japan can be a significant hurdle for foreign individuals and companies. It’s often deemed nearly impossible for those staying less than six months. One effective and practical way is to take enough time or acquire a Japanese cooperator.2. Language Bariarr
As you know, mastering the Japanese language is very difficult. However, it is pretty different to be completely unable to speak and to be able to speak a little. Therefore, it is recommended that you learn Japanese to some extent before coming to Japan. Also, it is important to find out all kinds of specialists who are available in English, such as a lawyar, tax accountant, etc.3. Remittance Taxation
This taxation is rare over the world. After you live in Japan, If you send money to Japan while you have income out of Japan, the money is taxed in Japan, including cosuming via credit cards. To avoid this taxation, careful advance plan is essential, such as sending money before living in Japan.4. Complex Consumption Tax, Japanese VAT
Japanese VAT, consumption tax is very comlex. The timing when starting to be taxed, non – taxed of property purchasing for residence and etc. You will make big losses if you fail to sellect a reliable tax accoutant who can do proper and aculate tax planning.As one of the membes of the group ‘ Business Support in Japan’, I have many experiences and deeply and wide knowlage as well as strong desire to support forign people and companies who starting businesses in Japan. Please feel free to contuct me if you have any questions and concerns.
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